Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dark Before the Dawn

The darkness...it threatens to consume this soul, to steal its joy. It presses in like a weight, crushing the chest. I fight for every breath, I scream and cry and struggle against the night, only to slip again in to its blinding depths...darkness so black that it hides all light. Its weight forces me, pushes me; stumbling under the pressing darkness, I fall to my knees...where I find voice to petition the God of Light for His intervention...that He will come and illuminate the darkest night. His promise is sure and His Word is true: No darkness can hide me from His presence, nothing can separate me from His love, and even in the shadow of this darkest night, He breathes life. Him, breathing life into my nostrils like He did that first man...I know it and feel it as I choose...choose the only thing I can: give thanks in all things. Give thanks to Him who laid the foundations of the world, for the life He breaths in to me, for the hope that He promises me, that perhaps I am not being consumed by darkness, but am living in blindness. Yes, in giving thanks, I find His healing salve upon my eyes.. restoring my sight that I might see the light of His presence always shining. And the darkness breaks to dawn and the Son, always shining, I see. His light not hidden from me.

And so, I kneel in thanks and find His light in the night, His hope shines in the darkness. He is always good and His mercies are new every morning. He upholds me with His righteous right hand. His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Thanking Him today

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