of the Bible quiz that is! Today was Joshua's first ever Bible Quiz Meet. He was so excited...and I, to my shame, was D.R.E.A.D.I.N.G. it. First of all, I have real issues with saying we are doing something for the glory of God when what we are really trying to do is outdo someone else. YIPPEE...I am so godly and now I know more than you...and now I can outdo you. If pride weren't part of it, then the winning team wouldn't say,"Yippee! WE won! And I quizzed out - and how many questions did I answer right? And how many did you miss? And...I only missed.." What a godly way to lead our children to the sin of pride. Todd and I talk and pray about this a lot. Let's teach our children Scripture, and let's teach them to sin at the same time. YUCK! We are praying through this, so if any of you have any godly insight, please feel free to input. I have already heard that "The Word of the Lord never comes back void." Yes, I know. I also know that pride comes before a fall...and ummm...well...we are sending in the kiddos to beat the others up...ummm...isn't that going to lead to...ummm....PRIDE!!
Anyway, I am letting it go...I have to because I just don't get it and Joshua is having FUN! So, even with my ill feelings about it, I was such a nervous mama bird and just kept committing him to the Father. He did great...UMMMM...if you count erroring out two of the three quizzes great...and if you count his team losing every session great. Seriously, though, God let Joshua serve Him today, and that was good. He led the session in prayer, and he answered questions right, he celebrated with the winning team and he did his best. He was not afraid...he was strong and courageous and the Lord his God was with him. And... he was EXCELLENT at jumping off his seat...ahh...too good, obviously, because he got three questions wrong in each of two of the three quizzes and so, "quizzed out" twice. To me, it is kind of like striking out in baseball. Poor baby! Seriously, though, he didn't care. He was so excited to be there and be part of his team.
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